Primary health care
in your pocket
Helping to Universalize Access to Health Care
with an innovative, intuitive and self-learning app

Scientific Paper
Mangrana Ventures has validated the scientific evidence of WtsWrng through a sample of 400 patients who, between the months of October 2020 and July 2021, attended the emergency services at the Clinic Barcelona University …
WtsWrng is a virtual Essential Primary Healthcare AI Platform with a unique symptom triage app that uses the universal language of graphics and images to let users navigate easily and intuitively.
Disrupting patient journey toward an easier access path
What makes WtsWrng different and innovative?

The app can be navigated using only graphics and images
Spoken or written language is often a barrier in communication between the patient and the doctor.
– Because a picture is worth a thousand words –
For worldwide use!
What is WtsWrng doing for you?
The technology developed includes the following functions:

Very intuitive!
You don’t need to speak a specific language or be literate to get basic health advice. You just navigate (clicking) through a series of images regarding your symptoms to get the advice.
We tell you if you need to see a doctor.
It informs what type of health assistance – general practitioner, specialist, emergency – you need or if you don’t need it (then stay at home); where can be found and recommends when to go, urgently or within next few days. Furthermore, avoids you (and a health care professional) unnecessary travelling.

We know what can be wrong with you:
Given a symptom/s and according to the images choices, it identifies the most probable differential diagnoses of presumption in the back (based on more than 23 symptoms which lead to more than 300 differential diagnoses, including some potential rare diseases); which are the basis for the type of advice.

Artificial Intelligence

Follow up
The app follow up you if you want: It gives you the possibility to be monitored with a proactive follow-up (voluntary through an avatar) if the advice is stay at home. The aim is to ensure that in case of the symptoms change, the adequate and timely advice is given.

Download your history

Real World Data
Awards achieved
Developed by Mangrana Ventures S.L., WtsWrng is the first solution of the company offered through an app for smartphones 100% self-engineered, based on extensive and continuous analysis of the global healthcare sector.
The disruptive value of WtsWrng has been recognized by several authorities in the form of awards and recognitions.
Our goals
WtsWrng, the “Primary care in my Pocket” app for smartphones, aims to be the global meeting point for both individual citizens worldwide -to get the answer to their essential health needs- and government and companies that strive to manage and produce the resources and products to achieve universal health care coverage for all in the 21st century.
Scientific Paper
WtsWrng’s Interim comparative effectiveness evaluation study has been published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
WtsWrng Journey
Where we are now
From a business point of view, Mangrana Ventures is organizing itself to participate in an investment round and go on the market. WtsWrng has produced scientific evidence of its very high reliability and above the average of other similar solutions on the market. In addition, it is one of the few companies in its sector that has a scientific publication in an open access international journal and peer review of verified medical reference, being the first publication that demonstrates such high accuracy using only graphics as the main tool to communicate with citizens. Read more