Mangrana Ventures has validated the scientific evidence of WtsWrng through a sample of 400 patients who, between the months of October 2020 and July 2021, attended the emergency services at the Clinic Barcelona University Hospital and who met the predefined inclusion criteria:
- patients over 18 years of age,
- evaluated in emergency triage at levels III, IV or V
- and conscious to be able to use the displayed WtsWrng mobile application on a smartphone.
The results demonstrate that WtsWrng is not inferior in accuracy or reliability to the tools used to perform triage and diagnosis in emergency departments (ED). The study has been published under the title WtsWrng Interim comparative effectiveness evaluation and description of the challenges to develop, evaluate and introduce this new digital application in a traditional health system in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022, 19, 13873, which has been a turning point and a milestone for Mangrana Ventures since it is the only company in the sector with a study of these characteristics published.